Database Being Added

Since we decided to publish our archived studies on a vast array of topics, we've been categorizing and formatting just to share this content here.
Given that the content is so broad and created over the past few decades, it's taking us a little bit to publish it all.

Thank you for your patience! You'll notice searchable content populating here very soon!

The Twisted Commandments

Jun 1, 2022
by David Sisti

In four brief sessions: Learn why the 10 Commandments are so important and what God has to say about idols, lies, murder, adultery, and so much more. Learn how our common vernacular has confused what need not be confusing. See how there is freedom is God's vision for us.

The Twisted Commandments - Week One

Jun 1, 2022
by David Sisti

The Twisted Commandments - Week One

Iconic Moments In History

We can all think of moments that changed the course of history, politically, socially, geographically and spiritually......

The Twisted Commandments - Week Two

Jun 1, 2022
by David Sisti

The Twisted Commandments - Week Two

A Little Review

Last week we looked at how relevant the Ten Commandments are to today. And we also noted that the Antichrist will rewrite those commandments to suit his endeavors. After all, his goal is to subvert all things God and.....

The Twisted Commandments - Week Three

Jun 1, 2022
by David Sisti

The Twisted Commandments - Week Three

A Meaningless Commandment?

Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days and do everything you need to do. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to God, your God......

The Twisted Commandments - Week Four

Jun 1, 2022
by David Sisti

The Twisted Commandments - Week Four

No Joking Matter

Thou shalt not commit adultery. (Ex 20:14, KJV)

There is an old joke about The Seventh Commandment, "Do Not Commit Adultery."  Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, and announces:......


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