
Our contributors are carefully selected, and their content is actively monitored and tested with the the Word of God which is the Bible.

We value the contributions of our content contributors, authors, various team members, partners and visitors.

We'll always try to make sure the content that is published within this site and our supporting channels aligns with the Word of God. Some content may be opinions and speculation. We ask that any information you read or view through visiting our site, reading the studies or watching the videos be put to the test. If you discover content that is not in fact Biblical and would like to question and/or discuss it with the editors, we welcome your contact submission.

We encourage all visitors to read the Bible and to not just take our word for it. We appreciate it when someone adds onto what we are saying and validates or confirms a word from the LORD. Our ministry seeks to remain in the vine, and be a valuable part of the body of Christ.

Any of the content within this site is subject to change upon discovering inaccuracies or the need for correction. We promise to do our best to provide you with what we know to be true. 

Any donations given will be applied to the expenses associated with this ministry and furthermore used in our efforts of reaching the lost for the LORD and savior Jesus Christ.

Zadok Ministries, God's News in The News, Dave Sisti or other contributors do not assume responsibility for how this site's users interpret the content or use it.

We publish this information with the ultimate goal of helping win souls to Jesus and empowering users to have the tools they need to do the same.

Thank you for being a valued friend & brother or sister in Christ.